February 12, 2024

Google Business Profile Websites Are Going Away. What Now?

If your business has been relying on a website made with your Google Business Profile, you have likely received emails from Google alerting you that these sites will soon be discontinued.

This leaves many business owners questioning, “Do I need a new website? Is a Google Business Profile enough?” We are here to consult business owners on the best steps to ensure their online presence isn’t disrupted by this change from Google.

When Are Google Business Profile Websites Going Away?

According to Google, existing websites with Google Business Profiles will be turned off in March 2024. Users who visit your website will then be redirected to your Google Business Profile. This redirect will last until June 10th, 2024.

Google has a history of announcing the discontinuation of features or tools well in advance of their actual phase-out dates, but it is best to have a plan of action for March 2024 before your website vanishes from the internet.

Why Is Google Removing Google Business Profile Websites?

Asking why Google is changing something is like trying to get a straight answer from a magician about how a trick is done. Our hunch is that this is a part of Google moving more and more towards a 0-click SERP (search engine result page). The goal here is to provide more features within the SERP without users ever needing to visit a website.

Along with more and more features being added to Google Business Profiles themselves and Google Local Service Ads taking priority over search ads, this seems like the logical next step for Google.

What Should Businesses Do Now That These Pages Are Being Removed?

With the removal of these pages, businesses need to take proactive steps to adapt and maintain their online presence. Here are some key actions to consider:

Create a Dedicated Website

If you don’t already have one, now is the time to create a dedicated website for your business. This provides a stable, customizable platform to showcase your services, share updates, and connect with customers.

Websites have the benefit of receiving organic traffic and leads through SEO, hosting landing pages for PPC campaigns, increasing brand trust and consistency, capturing customer data for retargeting, receiving insights into marketing data, and much much more!

If you can’t tell, we are big on the website here at PHOS. While the free one-page website that Google Business Profiles provided may have done the job up until now, with these going away it might be time to invest in a long-term solution to building your online presence. Contact PHOS today, and we can help find a solution that works for you and your business.

Keep Your Google Business Profile Up-to-Date

While the website feature may be going away, your Google Business Profile remains a crucial tool. Keep it updated with your new website link, contact information, and business hours.

You can also increase your business profile visibility by adding descriptions to your services, posting regularly, receiving and replying to 5-star reviews, and answering questions. Keeping an up-to-date Google Business Profile is more important now than ever.

Leverage Social Media

Strengthening your presence on various social media platforms will help to increase your visibility. These can serve as additional channels to engage with your audience and direct traffic to your new website. Some businesses even use their Facebook page as their primary website link on their Google Business Profile. While this is not an optimal solution, it can be a temporary one while you work on getting a dedicated website.

What if I Was Using My Business Profile Website as a PPC landing page?

You are not alone, many businesses were able to achieve a decent conversion rate using one of these simple websites as their primary landing page. Luckily, there are plenty of other tools that can be used to create simple, to-the-point landing pages that can convert.

Some of the tools we like are Unbounce and GoHighLevel. These tools shouldn’t be used as a replacement for a high-quality, search-engine-optimized website but can fill the gap that your business site has left on your PPC strategy.

Embracing Change for Future Success

PHOS has been in the digital marketing space for over 10 years, and this isn’t the first or the last major change that Google will make. As we navigate the removal of these pages, it’s important to view this as an opportunity for growth and innovation.

By proactively adapting your digital strategy, enhancing your online presence, and engaging with your audience through new platforms, your business can not only overcome this challenge but also emerge stronger and more connected with your customers.

Conor Goller

With an unwavering passion for digital marketing, Conor aims to bring his expertise to clients in need. As Lead Search Marketing Specialist, he is driven by his curiosity and creativity to utilize the newest and best practices to optimize clients’ ROI.

Aside from digital marketing, Conor enjoys playing board games and spending quality time with his friends and family. He also likes to stay active and spends time in the gym, and outdoors hiking and boating!