September 10, 2024

Capture Hearts & Donations: The Power of Professional Nonprofit Photography

Has a photograph ever compelled you to do something or feel something? Perhaps you feel awe when you look at Earthrise from Apollo 8, or maybe you feel a deep sense of empathy when you see Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother.

Despite the fact that these are some of the most recognizable photographs in the world, these photos share a common thread with every other photograph out there: visual storytelling.

Visual storytelling is the ability to communicate an important message, emotion, or narrative with your audience solely through the use of visuals. In a world where people are bombarded with more messages, pictures, and videos than they could dare to remember, standing out matters more than ever. Luckily, you can use this tool of visual storytelling to accomplish great things for your nonprofit. Here are our top reasons why you should consider nonprofit photography.

Communicate Your “Why”

Every nonprofit is passionate about their unique cause. One of the most crucial yet challenging aspects of nonprofit marketing is communicating the importance of your cause to others. Professional photography is a wonderful way to do that!

“Users spend an average of 5.94 seconds looking at a website’s main image.” (Peep Laja, 2021).

Arguably, the main photograph on your homepage is your most important one, so make it count! Use photos that show your cause in action because they are a visual representation of the need your nonprofit addresses. Also, use photography as an opportunity to capture emotions and the need for the work your nonprofit is doing.

For example, if you provide clean water through local wells, show your audience photos of the dirty water and the long walk to a water source—that is the reality before your organization steps in. Let your photos communicate the “why.”

Be Genuine & Tell a Story

A picture is worth a thousand words. This old maxim may be cliche, but it’s true! Most nonprofits are already utilizing the most powerful tool in their toolbelt—stories—but masterful photography can level up your storytelling ability and increase buy-in from your donors.

Stories have the unique ability to compel empathy into action. When words and photos are paired together, the emotional appeal doubles, and donors are more likely to give. Plus, using professional photography as opposed to stock photography helps your nonprofit feel more authentic and credible, which should always be a goal of your organization.

Above: A little girl matching her handprint to the “Okoa” sign. Okoa provides shelter, food, education, and more for her. Okoa is home.

Stand Out

What makes your nonprofit stand out? Why should donors give to you as opposed to a similar organization? When visual elements help to answer these questions, the odds of acquiring new donors and maintaining current donors increase. With such little time and attention from users, it’s important to make a statement quickly and boldly with your nonprofit marketing.

“It takes about 50 milliseconds (that’s 0.05 seconds) for users to form an opinion about your website that determines whether they like your site or not, whether they’ll stay or leave.”

(Lindgaard, G., Fernandes, G., Dudek, C., & Brown, J. (2006))

In short, photography matters. To stand out from the crowd, leverage captivating professional photography. We promise you won’t regret it!

Build Trust & Show Impact

Statistics are a good and necessary way to share results, but photos provide a tangible way for donors to see their impact. When it comes to nonprofits, donors receive an emotion when they donate as opposed to a service or product, like in the ecommerce or service world. Therefore, there must be lots of trust built upfront prior to a donation. Photography can help legitimize your work and also create emotional buy-in.

Trust is one of the most important factors for gaining new donors and retaining donors. Every patron wants to know their money is being stewarded wisely. Use photography as a tool to further explain and showcase your impact.

Hundreds of people lined up for a free medical clinic in Uganda.
Woman receiving free medical care and prescriptions from medical staff at the outreach clinic.

Trust Your Professional Nonprofit Photography Needs with Us!

In a world where everyone is competing for attention online and offline, show up and stand out with professional photography. Your nonprofit accomplishes great things—and the world should know that! Showcase your mission to the world through visual storytelling.

Are you ready to leverage professional nonprofit photography for your organization? We’d love to help you get started. At PHOS, we know how important it is to get found, stand out, and build trust online, and that is why we’re passionate about nonprofit marketing. Learn more about our photography philosophy here, and get in touch with us today!

Caitlin Petros

As a Digital Campaign Specialist, Caitlin strives to fuse creativity, fine-tuned communication, and strategy to ensure our clients’ goals and needs are exceeded. Growing deep relationships is at the heart of Caitlin’s mission, and she believes that everyone has a story to tell.

Outside of PHOS’ studio, she spends time in her own studio, painting and playing the trumpet. Her favorite place to be is outdoors, preferably on a lake in the North Georgia mountains. Her other hobbies include spending quality time with friends and curating an ever-growing collection of plants.